160Vt Semi Flexible Günəş Paneli

160Vt Semi Flexible Günəş Paneli

160Vt Semi Flexible Günəş Paneli

540 AZN
Semi Flexible Günəş Paneli 160Vt
SKU: Semi Flexible Solar Panel 160W
Kateqoriyalar: Günəş panelləri
Taqlar: energy , heat , cooling
Semi Flexible solar panels or other semi-flexible solar panels. As the name suggests, this type of solar panel can be easily installed in many places. These types of panels are mainly used in places where panel installation is difficult. As Helind, semi-flexible solar panels are one of the products we offer our customers when installing alternative energy systems. Semi Flexible solar cells can be of different capacities. Depending on the project, our company can provide the systems with the necessary solar panels. Contact Semi Flexible panel for more information on system cost calculation and alternative energy, or write to WhatsApp: +994 50 678 99 11