Alternativ Enerji və ya Bərpaolunan Enerji Nədir?

Alternativ Enerji və ya Bərpaolunan Enerji Nədir?

Alternativ Enerji və ya Bərpaolunan Enerji Nədir?

What is Alternative Energy?


In simple terms, alternative energy is the ability to obtain energy from infinite natural resources. These resources are always available and can renew themselves faster than they are consumed. Alternative energy differs from traditional energy sources because oil, gas, and other energy sources can be depleted and subject to significant price changes over time.

How is Alternative Energy Produced?

Energy obtained from alternative energy sources, also known as green energy, clean energy, or renewable energy, is a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option compared to fossil fuels. A range of systems such as wind turbines and solar panels are used to extract energy from these sources.

The use of systems that produce electricity from alternative energy sources has increased in recent years due to the development of advancing technologies and low installation and renewal costs. Alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy production have become integrated into state electricity grids. According to calculations in 2017, alternative energy systems provided 8% of the world's electricity, and in Europe, they accounted for one-third of total energy production, while in countries such as the US, China, India, and Japan, they contributed to one-sixth of energy production.

Currently, the most popular alternative energy sources are solar and wind energy, but the recent increase in use of sources such as hydropower, biofuels, geothermal, wave, and hydrogen energy is also notable.

What are the Advantages of Renewable Energy?

  • Creates opportunities for saving on electricity expenses
  • Requires less maintenance
  • Environmentally friendly
  • An inexhaustible source of energy
  • A safe source of energy
  • Plays a significant role in reducing energy costs
  • Reduces the load on the grid

How to Obtain Alternative Energy Systems?

As Helind Enerji, we are engaged in the sale and installation of alternative energy products. You can order the systems you need from us to obtain the energy you need. Contact us at +994506789911 for the latest information on prices and installation inquiries.

Helind Enerji - Your Energy Alternative
